छोटी नाव जो बड़ी नाव के साथ रहती है - chhotee nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahatee hai,chhoti nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahati hai meaning in hindi

अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ उदाहरण
Suggested :
नित्य always
Soil is always changing.
अपरदन erosion
Although engineering has slowed erosion and recession in this century
फिल्ड field
Together these conditions make life on the lava field difficult.
जबाँजद distinguished
Washington distinguished himself as the Hero of the Monongahela.
कमाई sell
Microsoft used to sell a set-top Digital Video Recorder called the UltimateTV
chhotee nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahatee hai,chhoti nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahati hai अक्षरों की संख्या: 34 व्यंजन मात्रासहित । Transliterate in english : ChoTii naava jo ba.Daी naava ke saatha rahatii hai
Related spellings : chhotee naav jo badaी naav ke saath rahatee hai,chhotee nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahatee hai,chhoti naav jo badaी naav ke saath rahati hai

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