छोटी नाव जो बड़ी नाव के साथ रहती है - chhotee nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahatee hai,chhoti nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahati hai meaning in hindi
अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ
Suggested :
नित्य | always |
Soil is always changing. | |
अपरदन | erosion |
Although engineering has slowed erosion and recession in this century | |
फिल्ड | field |
Together these conditions make life on the lava field difficult. | |
जबाँजद | distinguished |
Washington distinguished himself as the Hero of the Monongahela. | |
कमाई | sell |
Microsoft used to sell a set-top Digital Video Recorder called the UltimateTV |
chhotee nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahatee hai,chhoti nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahati hai
अक्षरों की संख्या: 34 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
ChoTii naava jo ba.Daी naava ke saatha rahatii hai
Related spellings : chhotee naav jo badaी naav ke saath rahatee hai,chhotee nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahatee hai,chhoti naav jo badaी naav ke saath rahati hai
Related spellings : chhotee naav jo badaी naav ke saath rahatee hai,chhotee nav jo badaी nav ke sath rahatee hai,chhoti naav jo badaी naav ke saath rahati hai
Word of the day